Transitions Diary blogs

A blog in real time about the mind-blowingly complex process of going from children's services to adult services

Haringey HeathWatch Transitions Reference Group

Next Meeting:

Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 10:30am

An invitation from Val ...

The next Transitions Reference Group meeting will take place on the 10th November 10:30am-11:30am via Zoom.


In light of the recent Haringey Local Area SEND Inspection Report- (see our sidebar for the link to the report) I understand that the Council is going to create a partnership action plan and will be working closely with parents, carers, and staff to show what they are doing to make things better in the areas highlighted in the report.


Our next meeting will be an opportunity to discuss this with colleagues from the Council. 


I look forwards to seeing you on the 10th of November. Please do feel free to send your comments/ suggestions via email in case you are not able to join the group’s meeting.


Meeting agenda papers and zoom log in details will be posted nearer the meeting date.

Transitions - questions to ask

Terms of reference

1. Aims
The Moving Transitions Reference Group is a co-production group that is a partnership between Haringey Council and Healthwatch Haringey. It aims To support managing expectation and opportunities for service users/ their families and carers in relation to moving on from Children’s services to adult life so that young people receive support before reaching adulthood that maximises their opportunities for independent living. 

2. Group members and their role
Membership of the group are professionals working in Statement of Education Needs ad Disabilities (SEND) services / Parents and young people with SEND transitioning from Children's social care (but not limited to 14-25).

To identify and develop solutions that can support service users/ their families and carers to be better connected and informed about Transitions in Haringey.

To involve young service users by sharing with them ideas and products developed by the group and obtain their feedback before finalising products. 

Meetings will be organised by

3. Agenda items
All agenda items will be forwarded to Shana Nessa two days before next scheduled meeting. The agenda and papers will be circulated at least a day before scheduled meeting.

4. Frequency of meetings
The group will meet monthly for 2hrs.

5. Governance
The Group will report to the Adult Social Care Joint Partnership Board managed by Healthwatch
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