Email about the OFSTED inspection

  • By Brian Leveson
  • 22 Sep, 2021

Today I wrote a letter including the leaders of children's services in Haringey and OFSTED about the still undisclosed outcome of the joint OFSTED / CQC inspection of Haringey SEND

I understand from correspondence included at the end of this email that a meeting has been arranged between 2 Haringey parent carers and the Department for Education and Haringey Council following the joint CQC/OFSTED inspection to discuss the report and Haringey's response.

I am writing to you, the Director of Children's Services, the council member for children and the local newspaper as I have grave concerns about the purpose of this meeting, the invitation, sent 8pm on Friday evening to a limited number of parents based on them previously being interested in coproduction and the basis on which the meeting is being convened.

A review of the government guidance states

At the end of the inspection, the inspection team will evaluate all the evidence gathered. We and the CQC will write a joint inspection outcome letter. The letter will explain the main findings and make recommendations for improvement. It will also highlight any strengths that inspectors identify to help other services and areas develop and improve. These letters will be published on the Ofsted website and on the CQC website.

The meeting email does not give a clear explanation of the purpose of the meeting nor how it fits into this part of the framework.

However, where an inspection results in the need for a written statement of action, guidance states

If sufficient progress has not been made, local area leaders are required to submit an updated action plan to DfE, NHSE and DHSC as a minimum. This must be co-produced with partners and say how the local area will report on progress and impact, and how partners, including families, will be kept
fully aware and informed of progress. DfE, DHSC and NHS England will then determine the most appropriate next steps that will secure the improvement required. This could include the senior accountable officers meeting senior DfE, DHSC and NHS England officials, and the Secretary of State using powers of intervention under section 497A of the Education Act 1996.

I struggle to understand how families are being kept fully aware and informed when
  • An inspection carried out between 5th July and 9th July 2021 has still not had its findings published when the guidance is to publish within 33 working days. It is now beyond 50 working days.
  • A meeting has been convened and a limited number of parents have been made aware of this meeting based on an expression of interest about something other than the outcome of the OFSTED inspection made over a year ago.
  • That the invitation was sent out at 8pm on a Friday evening and invitations closed at 1030am the following Monday, giving parents slightly more that one 'working hour' to respond.
  • The purpose of the meeting and where it sits in the inspection framework has not been made clear to parents
  • Only 2 parents are permitted to attend

Please can you provide some more information about this meeting
  • What is its purpose of the meeting?
  • Why is the number of parents permitted limited to 2?
  • how will parents other than the current exclusive and self-selected group be informed of the meeting, that it is being held, the purpose and the outcomes
  • will opposition councillors be invited to the meeting to ensure transparency and scrutiny of the service


Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 10:33:25 AM
Subject: RE: Availability to attend a meeting with the Department for Education (DfE) and Haringey Council

Dear parent carer volunteer


Thank you very much to everyone who responded to this call. It was great that 10 parents offered to attend the meeting with the DfE and the Council. Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that only two parents can join me at the meeting. I think there are two options to select the two parents: 1) first come first served or 2) allocate each parent a number and do a ‘lucky dip’ draw performed by two of our staff members.


Can I propose that we go for option 2 as the fairest way and that we do this tomorrow – unless a parent carer can think of another way?  I therefore hope to notify everyone about the outcome by this Wednesday.


Finally, the Council will share the final version of the Ofsted report when they receive it before publication.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.


Best wishes

Sent: 16 September 2021 20:13
Subject: Availability to attend a meeting with the Department for Education (DfE) and Haringey Council


Dear parent carer volunteer


I am writing to advise that there are spaces for a couple of parent carers to join a meeting with the Department for Education (DfE) on Friday 8th October 2021 at 12noon – 1pm to discuss the findings from Haringey’s SEND inspection and Haringey Council’s response. The meeting will be held remotely via MS Teams, and it would be good if we could have parent representation from the developing Parent Carer Forum (PCF) at the meeting.


Can you please let me know if you are interested and can attend the meeting? It would be good to receive your response by 12 noon on Monday, 20 September 2021 if possible.


May I also take this opportunity to update you that we have successfully completed the recruitment exercise for the Engagement Co-ordinator (24 hours/week) and Administrative & Communications Assistant (14 hours/week). Thank you very much to the parent carers who volunteered and assisted with the process. I will provide further information and suggestions for next steps for the forum next week.


Please let me know if you have any queries.


Best wishes

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